How to Handle Common Eye Injuries?
The eye is a sensitive organ that must be carefully catered to. If injuries to an eye are taken lightly, this can possibly lead to permanent damage and even cause loss of vision. Although it is recommended to visit an optometrist for eye examinations at least once a year, you should immediately contact your optometrist if you sustain an eye injury so that they can take a closer look and ensure there isn’t potential for further injury.
Below is a list of common eye injuries and how to handle them.
1. Foreign Objects in the Eye
When a foreign object such as wood or metal chips enter your eye, it should be considered an emergency situation that requires visiting your optometrist immediately. Do not attempt to remove the object yourself and avoid rubbing your eye, as this can causing more harm to the eye. Before leaving for the optometrist’s clinic, you should take precautions to protect the injured eye. Wear glasses, sunglasses work as well or use a paper cup to cover the eye. When you get to your optometrist, they will safely remove the foreign object and provide further care instructions.
2. Chemical Eye Injury
If a chemical substance accidentally splashes or sprays into your eye, first flush it with warm water for about 15 minutes, then you should visit your optometrist. Acidic chemicals will usually cause redness and a burning sensation, flushing it with water will help alleviate these symptoms. Alkaline chemicals that enter your eye, may not cause eye redness or pain as much as an acidic substance, but can still pose a threat to your eye health. Whether an acid or alkaline substance enters your eyes, you should place your face under warm running water for about 15 minutes, allowing the water to run over your eyes.
3. Swollen Eye
If got struck by an object in the eye, quickly get an ice pack and place it on the swollen eye. Whether you have a black eye or not, see an optometrist for an examination to assess your eye for possible internal injury.
4. Eye Bleeding
This is also called a subconjunctival hemorrhage, and it involves blood leakage due to a break in a blood vessel located on the white part of the eye. Do not ignore these symptoms, assuming that the redness will clear on its own can lead to further injury. Visit an optometrist for an examination, will give you the peace of mind of knowing if you require further treatment.
5. Traumatic Iritis
This occurs when the colored part of the eye or iris becomes inflamed due to an injury sustained from a blow or poke from a blunt object such as your finger, a ball, and so forth. You need to get treatment for traumatic Iritis because it can cause a permanent decrease in your vision.
Protecting your eyes from potential injury is the best way to ensure there is no lasting damage from an accidental injury. However, accidents happen, and if you are prepared and able to handle any accidental eye injury, you will severely reduce the risk of sustaining permanent damage from the incident.