Causes of Eye Twitching
Eye twitches are painless and generally harmless. For most people, eye twitches occur in certain rare occasions when the individual is faced with stress, increased caffeine usage or fatigue. However, for individuals who experience severe eye twitches on a regular basis, a visit to the optometrist or ophthalmologist is necessary. The causes for eye twitches can vary and either are a warning sign for unhealthy habits or a direct result of a more complicated eye condition.
Here are some of the possible causes for these uncomfortable twitches:
1. Overstimulated Eye Muscle
Eye muscle overstimulation or commonly known as eye fatigue causes one-time twitches and it isn’t something one must worry about. It is caused by poor living habits such as reduced sleep, increased levels of caffeine and cigarette usage. If the eye twitches continue to appear and the individual still hasn’t balanced his/hers sleeping habits or caffeine consumption then the remedy is a simple good night sleep, balanced nutrition and proper hydration. Stress, alcohol and allergies can also be the causes for muscle overstimulation. To make the muscles around your eyes relax, put a warm towel on them while relaxing in a dark, quiet area.
2. Blepharospasm
Drastically more dangerous than the casual stressful situations, blepharospasms is a rare disorder concerning the neurological aspect of the eyes. The symptoms include frequent spasms and muscle contractions appearing in the area around the eyes. The causes for this condition still haven’t been identified but researches believe it is a combination of environment and genetic material. To tell apart blepharospasms and harmless eye twitches one can look out for these signs:
. Long lasting (hourly) spasms
· Involvement of both eyes
· Experiencing spasms in other facial muscles
· Light irritation
· Frequent blinking
3. Hemifacial Spasm
Unlike blepharospasms, hemifacial spasm aren’t caused by the deep neurological structures. It is suspected by researchers that they are linked to irritation of the facial nerve. They are more easily confused with basic eye twitches than blepharospasms because at the beginning they are usually active in the around-eye areas and usually affect only one eye. They pose a threat to other facial muscles as with time hemifacial spasm spread and cause spontaneous contractions to the surrounding areas. The main traits for this condition are:
· A feeling of weaker facial muscles
· Consistent spasm intensity
· Can be joint by a clicking sound in the affected side
· Can last to about a few months
· Usually affect only one side of the face therefore one eye
About New Optical Palace
New Optical Palace is your Optician and Optometrist in the Kitchener and Waterloo Area. We offer eye exams for adults and children and a wide selection of prescription glasses for your prescription, contact lenses and sunglasses.